- The LSAT Trainer - Mike Kim. (978-0989081566)
- The Loophole in LSAT Logical Reasoning - Ellen Cassidy. (978-1732749009)
- LSAT Prep Plus 2024 - Kaplan Test Prep. (978-1506290973)
- LSAT Prep Flashcards - Kaplan Test Prep. (978-1506290997)
- Princeton Review LSAT Premium Prep - The Princeton Review. (978-0593518625)
- 180 Practice Drills for the LSAT - Kaplan Test Prep. (978-1506287249)
- The Official LSAT SuperPrep - Law School Admission Council. (978-0979305061)
- LSAT Prep For Dummies - Lisa Zimmer Hatch, Scott A. Hatch. (978-1394262311)
- The Legal Analyst: A Toolkit for Thinking about the Law - Ward Farnsworth. (978-0226238357)
- The Socratic Method: A Practioners Handbook - Ward Farnsworth. (978-1567926859)
- The Tools of Argument - Joel P. Trachtman. (978-1481246385)
- 1L of a Ride - Andrew McClurg. (978-1684679386)
- How to be sort of happy in Law School - Kathryne M. Young. (978-0804799768)
- How to crush Law School - Charles Buist. (979-8642721735)
- Surthriving Law School - W. Adam Hunt. (978-1737184300)
- Cracking the Case Method - Paul Bergman, Patrick Goodman, Thomas Holm. (978-1636595481)
- Law 101 - Jay M. Feinman. (978-0197662571)
- Getting to Maybe - Richard Michael Fischl, Jeremy Paul. (978-1594607349)
- One L - Scott Turow. (978-0143119029)
- An Introduction to Legal Reasoning - Edward H. Levi, Frederick Schauer. (978-0226089720)
- Thinking like a Lawyer - Frederick Schauer. (978-0674062481)
- Starting Off Right in Law School - Carolyn Nygren. (978-1531025892)
- Law School Confidential - Robert H. Miller. (978-0312605117)
- The Bramble Bush - Karl N. Llewellyn. (978-0195368451)
- To Kill a Mockingbird - Harper Lee. (978-0060935467)