Computer Science
AP Computer Science Principles / A
- 5 Steps to a 5: AP Computer Science Principles - Julie Schacht Sway. (978-1265287566)
- 5 Steps to a 5: AP Computer Science A - Deborah B. Klipp, Dean Johnson, Carol Paymer. (978-1265267926)
- Barron's AP Computer Science Principles Premium - Seth Reichelson. (978-1506287751)
- Barron's AP Computer Science A Premium - Roselyn Teukolsky. (978-1506287911)
- Barron's AP Computer Science A Flashcards - Roselyn Teukolsky. (978-1506264110)
- Princeton Review AP Computer Science Principles - The Princeton Review. (978-0593516782)
- Princeton Review AP Computer Science A - The Princeton Review. (978-0593517055)
Computer Architecture
- Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach - John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson. (978-0128119051)
- Computer Organization and Design: The Hardware/Software Interface - John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson. (978-0124077263)
- Computer Organization and Design MIPS Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface - John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson. (978-0128201091)
- Computer Organization and Design RISC-V Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface - John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson. (978-0128203316)
- Computer Organization and Design ARM Edition: The Hardware/Software Interface - John L. Hennessy, David A. Patterson. (978-0128017333)
- Structured Computer Organization - Andrew S. Tanenbaum. (978-0132916523)
- Essentials of Computer Organizaiton and Architecture - Linda Null, Julia Lobur. (978-1284259438)
- Computer Organization and Architecture - William Stallings. (978-1292420103)
- Computer Organization and Embedded Systems - Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic. (978-0073380650)
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture - David Harris, Sarah Harris. (978-0123944245)
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture: RISC-V Edition - David Harris, Sarah Harris. (978-0128200643)
- Digital Design and Computer Architecture: ARM Edition - David Harris, Sarah Harris. (978-0128000564)
- Digital Design: A Systems Approach - William James Dally, R. Curtis Harting. (978-0521199506)
- Digital Design: Principles and Practices - John Wakerly. (978-0134460093)
- Digital Design - M. Morris Mano, Michael Ciletti. (978-0134549897)
- Learning Computer Architecture with Raspberry Pi - Eben Upton, Jeff Duntemann. (978-1119183938)
- Computer Architecture - Charles Fox. (978-1718502864)
- Schaum's Outline of Computer Architecture - Nick Carter. (978-0071362078)
- Microprocessors: Principles and Applications - Charles M. Gilmore. (978-0028018379)
- Intel Microprocessors - Barry B. Brey. (978-0135026458)
- Digital Logic and Microprocessor Design with Interfacing - Enoch O. Hwang. (978-1305859456)
- Designing Embedded Systems with PIC Microcontrollers: Principles and Applications - Tim Wilmshurst. (978-1856177504)
- PIC Microcontrollers: An Introduction to Microelectronics - Martin P. Bates. (978-0080969114)
- The PIC Microcontroller: Your Personal Introductory Course - John Morton. (978-0750666640)
- The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex M3 and Cortex M4 Processors - Joseph Yiu. (978-0124080829)
- The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex M23 and Cortex M33 Processors - Joseph Yiu. (978-0128207352)
- The Definitive Guide to ARM Cortex M0 and Cortex M0+ Processors - Joseph Yiu. (978-0128032770)
- Fast and Effective Embedded Systems Design - Tim Wilmhurst, Rob Toulson. (978-0323951975)
Operating Systems
- Operating Systems Design and Implementation - Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Albert S. Woodhull. (978-0131429383)
- Modern Operating Systems - Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Herbert Bos. (978-0133591620)
- Operating System Concepts - Abrahama Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne. (978-1119800361)
- Operating Systems: Internals and Design Principles - William Stallings. (978-0134670959)
- Operating System - Harvey M. Deitel, Paul J. Deitel, David R. Choffnes. (978-0131828278)
- Understanding Operating Systems - Ann McHoes, Ida M. Flynn. (978-1305674257)
- Operating Systems: A Spiral Approach - Ramez Elmasri, A. Gil Carrick, David Levine. (978-0072449815)
- Linux Kernel Development - Robert Love. (978-0672329463)
- Understanding the Linux Kernel - Daniel Bovet, Marco Cesati. (978-0596005658)
- The Linux Programming Interface - Michael Kerrisk. (978-1593272203)
- Linux Kernel Programming - Kaiwan Billimoria. (978-1803232225)
- The UNIX Programming Environment - Brian Kerninghan, Rob Pike. (978-0139376818)
- Advanced Programming the UNIX Environment - W. Richard Stevens, Stephen A. Rago. (978-0321637734)
- Advanced UNIX Programming - Marc Rochkind. (978-0131411548)
- Lions' Commentary on Unix - John Lions, Peter H. Salus. (978-1573980135)
- The Design and Implementation of the FreeBSD Operating System - Marshall McKusick, George Neville-Neil, Robert Watson. (978-0321968975)
- FreeBSD Device Drivers - Joseph Kong. (978-1593272043)
- FreeDOS Kernel - Pat Villani. (978-1138412309)
Operating Systems Administration
- Absolute FreeBSD - Michael W. Lucas. (978-1593278922)
- Absolute OpenBSD - Michael W. Lucas. (978-1593274764)
- The Book of PF - Peter N.M. Hansteen. (978-1593272746)
- BSD UNIX Toolbox - Christopher Negus, Francois Caen. (???)
- BSD Hacks - Dru Lavigne. (978-0596006792)
- Mastering FreeBSD and OpenBSD Security - Yanek Korff, Paco Hope, Bruce Potter. (978-0596006266)
- UNIX Power Tools - Shelley Powers, Jerry Peek, Tim O'Reilly, Mike Loukides. (978-0596003302)
Computer Networking
- Computer Networking: A Top-Down Approach - James Kurose, Keith Ross. (978-1292405469)
- Computer Networks - Andrew S. Tanenbaum, David Wetherhall. (978-0132126953)
- Data Communications and Networking - Behrouz A. Forouzan. (978-0078022098)
- Computer Networks: A Systems Approach - Larry L. Peterson, Bruce S. Davie. (978-0128182000)
Distributed Operating Systems
- Distributed Operating Systems - Andrew S. Tanenbaum. (978-1556353505)
- Distributed Systems: Concepts and Design - George Coulouris, Jean Dollimore, Tim Kindberg, Gordon Blair. (978-0132143011)
Introduction to programming
- cf Programming Languages page.
Algorithms and Data Structures
- Introduction to Algorithms - Thomas Cormen, Charles Leiserson, Ronald Rivest, Clifford Stein. (978-0262046305)
- The Algorithm Design Manual - Steven Skiena. (978-1848000698)
- Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick, Kevin Wayne. (978-0321573513) website
- Introduction to the Analysis of Algorithms - Robert Sedgewick, Philippe Flajolet. (978-0321905758) website
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Java/Python/C++ - Michael Goodrich, Roberto Tamassia. (978-1118771334) (978-1118290279) (978-0470383278)
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Java/C++ - Adam Drozdek. (978-9814392785) (978-8131521267)
- Java Software Structures - John Lewis, Joe Chase. (978-0136078586)
- Data Structures and Abstractions with Java - Frank Carrano, Timothy Henry. (978-0134831695)
- Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in Java/C++ - Mark Weiss. (978-0132576277) (978-0273769385)
- Algorithm Design - Jon Kleinberg, Eva Tardos. (978-0321295354)
- Data Structures and Algorithms - Alfred Aho, John Hopcroft, Jeffrey Ullman. (978-0201000238)
- Programming Abstractions in Java/C++ - Eric Roberts. (978-0134421186) (978-0133454840)
- Data Structures and Algorithms in Java - Robert Lafore. (978-0672324536)
- Fundamentals of Database Systems - Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant Navathe. (978-1292097619)
- Introduction to Database Systems - C.J. Date, A. Kannan, S. Swamynathan. (978-8177585568)
- Database Systems: A Practical Approach to Design, Implementation, and Management - Thomas Connolly, Carolyn Begg. (978-0132943260)
- Database Systems: The Complete Book - Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeffrey Ullman, Jennifer Widom. (978-0131873254)
- Database System Concepts - Abraham Silberschatz, Henry F. Korth, S. Sudarshan. (978-9390727506)
- Modern Database Management - Jeffrey A. Hoffer, Ramesh Venkataraman, Heikki Topi. (978-0133544619)
- Database Systems: Design, Implementation, & Management - Carlos Coronel, Steven Morris. (978-1337627900)
- A First Course in Database Systems - Jeffrey Ullman, Jennifer Widom. (978-0136006374)
- Compilers: Principles, Techniques, and Tools - Alfred V. Aho, Monica S. Lan, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman. (978-0321486813)
- Engineering a Compiler - Keith D. Cooper, Linda Torczon. (978-1558606982)
- Mordern Compiler Implementation in C/JAVA/ML - Andrew W. Appel. (978-0521583909)(978-0521820608)(978-0521607643)
- Compiler Design in C - Allen I. Holub. (978-0131550452)
- Compiler Construction Using Java, JavaCC, and Yacc - Anthony J. Dos Reis. (978-0470949597)
- Modern Compiler Design - Dick Grune. (978-1461446989)
- Compiler Construction - Niklaus Wirth. (978-0201403534)
- Crafting Interpreters - Robert Nystrom. (978-0990582939)
- Writing a C Compiler - Nora Sandler. (978-1718500426)
- Build your own programming language - Clinton L. Jeffery. (978-1800204805)
- Writing a Compiler in Go - Thorsten Ball. (978-3982016108)
- Writing an Interpreter in Go - Thorsten Ball. (978-3982016115)
- CPython Internals - Anthony Shaw. (978-1775093343)
- Learn LLVM 17 - Kai Nacke, Amy Kwan. (978-1837631346)
- LLVM Techniques, Tips, and Best Practices: Clang and Middle-End Libraries - Min-Yih Hsu. (978-1838824952)
- Getting Started with LLVM Core Libraries - Bruno Cardoso Lopes, Rafael Auler. (978-1782166924)
- Clang Compiler Frontend - Ivan Murashko. (978-1837630981)
- LLVM Essentials - Suyog Sarda, Mayur Pandey. (978-1785280801)
- Engineering LLVM Backend - Min-Yih Hsu. (978-1804610664)
- Writing a C Compiler - Nora Sandler. (978-1718500426)
- A Retargetable C Compiler - David Hanson, Christopher Fraser. (978-0805316704)
- The Definitive Guide to GCC - William von Hagen. (978-1590595855)
Programming Languages Concepts
- Principles of Programming Languages - Bruce J. MacLennan. (978-0195113068)
- Concepts of Programming Languages - Robert Sebesta. (978-1292436821)
- Programming Languages Principles and Paradigms - Allen Tucker, Robert Noonan. (978-0072866094)
- Concepts in Programming Languages - John C. Mitchell. (978-0521780988)
- Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation - Shiram Krishnamurthi. (???)
- Essentials of Programming Languages - Daniel P. Friedman, Mitchell Wand. (978-0262062794)
- Concepts, Techniques, and Models of Computer Programming - Peter Van Roy, Seif Haridi. (978-0262220699)
- Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman. (978-0262510875)
- Seven Programming Languages in Seven Weeks - Bruce Tate. (978-1934356593)
- Seven More Programming Languages in Seven Weeks - Bruce Tate. (978-1941222157)
- Introduction to Programming Languages - WikiBooks. link
Reverse Engineering
- The radare book - pancake, maijin. (unknown) github read online
- Reversing: Secrets of Reverse Engineering - Eldad Eilam. (978-0764574818)
- Practical Reverse Engineering - Bruce Dang, Alexandre Gazet, Elias Bachaanlany. (978-1118787311)
- Practical Binary Analysis - Dennis Andriesse. (978-1593279127)
- Learning Linux Binary Analysis - Ryan O'Neill. (978-1782167105)
- The IDA Pro Book - Chris Eagle. (978-1593272890)
- The Ghidra Book - Chris Eagle, Kara Nance. (978-1718501027)
- Ghidra Software Reverse Engineering for Beginners - A. P. David. (978-1800207974)
- x86 Software Reverse-Engineering, Cracking, and Counter-Measures - Stephanie Domas. (978-1394199884)
- Mastering Reverse Engineering - Reginald Wong. (978-1788838849)
- Hacking: The Art of Exploitation - Jon Erickson. (978-1593271442)
- Gray Hat Hacking - Allen Harper, Ryan Linn. (978-1264268948)
- Black Hat Python - Justin Seitz, Tim Arnold. (978-1718501126)
- Black Hat Go - Tom Steele, Chris Patten, Dan Kottmann. (978-1593278656)
- Black Hat Bash - Dolev Farhi, Nick Aleks. (978-1718503748)
- Gray Hat Python - Justin Seitz. (978-1593271923)
- Violent Python - TJ O'Connor. (978-1597499576)
- Cybersecurity Ops with bash - Paul Troncone, Carl Albing. (978-1492041313)
- Linux Basics for Hackers - OccupyTheWeb. (978-1593278557)
- Learning Kali Linux - Ric Messier. (978-1492028697)
- Kali Linux Revealed - Raphael Hertzog, Jim O'Gorman. (978-0997615609)
- The Ultimate Kali Linux Book - Glen D. Singh. (978-1835085806)
- Kali Linux Penetration Testing Bible - Gus Khawaja. (978-1119719083)
- Metasploit: The Penetration Tester's Guide - David Kennedy, Jim O'Gorman. (978-1718502987)
- Nmap Network Scanning - Gordon Fyodor Lyon. (978-0979958717)
- Practical Packet Analysis - Chris Sanders. (978-1593278021)
- Penetration Testing - Georgia Weidman. (978-1593275648)
- Rootkits and Bootkits - Alex Matrosov, Eugene Rodionov, Sergey Bratus. (978-1593277161)
- Hands On Penetration Testing with Kali NetHunter - Sean-Philip Oriyano, Glen D Singh. (978-1788995177)
- Master Kali Linux for Advanced Penetration Testing - Vijay Kumar Velu. (978-1801819770)
- Digital Forensics with Kali Linux - Shiva V. N. Parasram. (978-1837635153)
- Practical Linux Forensics - Bruce Nikkel. (978-1718501966)
- Mastering Metasploit - Nipun Jaswal. (978-1838980078)
- Metasploit 5.0 for Beginners - Sagar Rahalkar. (978-1838982669)
- Wireshark for Security Professionals - Jessey Bullock, Jeff T. Parker. (978-1118918210)
- Learn Wireshark - Lisa Bock. (978-1803231679)
- Tactical Wireshark - Kevin Cardwell. (978-1484292907)
- Wireshark for Network Forensics - Nagendra Kumar Nainar, Ashish Panda. (978-1484290002)
- Wireshark Fundamentals - Vinit Jain. (978-1484280010)
- Wireshark Essentials - James H. Baxter. (978-1783554638)
- Offensive Security using Python - Rejah Rehim, Manindar Mohan. (978-1835468166)
- Python for Offensive PenTest - Hussam Khrais. (978-1788838979)
- Python for Security and Networking - Jose Manuel Ortega. (978-1837637553)
- Beginning Ethical Hacking with Python - Sanjib Sinha. (978-1484225400)
Web Development
- Fullstack GraphQL Applications with React, Node.js, and Neo4j - William Lyon. (978-1617297038)
- Learning PHP, MySQL & JavaScript - Robin Nixon. (978-1492093824)
- Full-Stack Web Development with Go - Nanik Tolaram, Nick Glynn. (978-1803234199)
- Hands-On Full Stack Development with Go - Mina Andrawos. (978-1789130751)
- Full Stack JavaScript: Learn Backbone.js, Node.js, and MongoDB - Azat Mardan. (978-1484237175)
- The Full Stack Developer - Chris Northwood. (978-1484241516)
- Modern Full-Stack Development - Frank Zammetti. (978-1484288108)
- JavaScript from Frontend to Backend - Eric Sarrion. (978-1801070317)
- MEAN Web Development - Amos Q. Haviv. (978-1785886300)
- Getting MEAN with Mongo, Express, Angular, and Node - Simon Holmes, Clive Herber. (978-1617294754)
- Node.js, MongoDB and Angular Web Development - Brad Dayley. (978-0134655536)
- Rails, Angular, Postgres, and Bootstrap - David B. Copeland. (978-1680502206)
- PHP and MySQL Web Development - Welling Luke, Thomson Laura. (978-0275967598)
- Murach's PHP and MySQL - Joel Murach, Ray Harris. (978-1943873005)
- Flask Web Development - Miguel Grinberg. (978-1491991732)
- Django 4 By Example - Antonio Mele. (978-1801813051)
- Developing Web Apps with Haskell and Yesod - Michael Snoyman. (978-1491915592)
- Beginning PHP and MySQL - Frank M. Kromann. (978-1430260455)
- PHP & MySQL: Server-side Web Development - Jon Duckett. (978-1119149224)
Data Science
see 'Data Science and Machine Learning Interviews' below.
- An Introduction to Statistical Learning: with Applications in R - Gareth James, Daniela Witten, Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jonathan Taylor. (978-1071614174)
- The Elements of Statistical Learning - Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman. (978-0387848570)
- Data Science from Scratch - Joel Grus. (978-1492041139)
- Data Science at the Command Line - Jeroen Janssens. (978-1492087915) read online
- Building Data Science Applications with FastAPI - Francois Voron. (978-1837632749)
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning and Deep Learning
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach - Peter Norvig, Stuart Russell. (978-1292401133) github
- Deep Learning - Ian Goodfellow. (978-0262035613)
- Machine Learning - Tom M. Mitchell. (978-0071154673)
- Hands-on Machine Learning with Scikit-learn, Keras, and Tensorflow - Aurelien Geron. (978-1098125974)
- Deep Learning with Python - Francois Chollet. (978-1617296864)
- Designing Machine Learning Systems - Chip Huyen. (978-1098107963)
- Prolog Programming for Artificial Intelligence - Ivan Bratko. (978-0321417466)
- Paradigms of Artificial Intelligence Programming: Case Studies in Common Lisp - Peter Norvig. (978-1558601918) github
- Practical MLOps: Operationalizing Machine Learning Models - Noah Gift, Alfredo Deza. (978-1098103019)
- Implementing MLOps in the Entreprise - Noah Gift, Yaron Haviv. (978-1098136581)
- Engineering MLOps - Emmanuel Raj. (978-1800562882)
- Machine Learning Algorithms in Depth - Vadim Smolyakov. (978-1633439214)
Databases Internals
- Designing Data-Intensive Applications - Martin Kleppmann. (978-1449373320)
- Database Internals - Alex Petrov. (978-1492040347)
- Understanding MySQL Internals - Sasha Pachev. (978-0596009571)
- Oracle Core: Essential Internals for DBAs and Developers - Jonathan Lewis. (978-1430239543)
- Pro SQL Server Internals - Dmitri Korotkevitch. (978-1484219638)
- Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Internals - Kalen Delaney, Craig Freeman. (978-0735658561)
- Professional SQL Server 2012 Internals and Troubleshooting - Christian Bolton, Justin Langford. (978-1118177655)
- Distributed Systems - Maarten van Steen, Andrew S. Tanenbaum. (978-9081540636)
- Refactoring Databases - Scott W. Ambler, Pramod J. Sadalage. (978-0321293534)
- Database in Depth: Relational Theory for Practitioners - C. J. Date. (978-0596100124)
Database Administration
NoSQL Databases
- DuckDB in Action - Mark Needham, Michael Hunger, Michael Simons. (978-1633437258)
- ScyllaDB in Action - Bo Ingram. (978-1633437265)
- Delta Lake The Definitive Guide - Denny Lee, Tathagata Das, Vini Jaiswal. (TBD)
- Delta Lake Up and Running - Bellie Haelen, Dan Davis. (978-1098139728)
- Data Engineering with Apache Spark, Delta Lake, and Lakehouse - Manoj Kukreja, Danil Zburivsky. (978-1801077743)
- Redis in Action - Josiah L. Carlson. (978-1617290855)
- Redis Stack for Application Modernization - Luigi Fugaro, Mirko Ortensi. (978-1837638185)
- Elasticsearch The Definitive Guide - Clinton Gormley, Zachary Tong. (978-1449358549)
- Elasticsearch in Action - Madhusudhan Konda. (978-1617299858)
- Getting Started with Elastic Stack 8.0 - Asjad Athick, Shay Banon. (978-1800569492)
- Solr in Action - Trey Grainger, Timothy Potter. (978-1617291029)
- Lucene in Action - Michael McCandless. (978-1933988177)
- Neo4j in Action - Aleksa Vukotic, Nicki Watt. (978-1617290763)
- Graph Algorithms: Practical Examples in Apache Spark and Neo4j - Mark Needham, Amy E. Hodler. (978-1492047681)
- Graph Algorithms for Data Science: With examples in Neo4j - Tomaz Bratanic. (978-1617299469)
- Getting Started with RethinkDB - Gianluca Tiepolo. (978-1785887604)
- Mastering RethinkDB - Shahid Shaikh. (978-1786461070)
- Getting Started with OrientDB - Claudio Tesoriero. (978-1782169956)
- Cassandra The Definitive Guide - Jeff Carpenter, Eben Hewitt. (978-1492097143)
Coding Best Practices
- The Art of UNIX Programming - Eric S. Raymond. (978-0131429017)
- The Pragmatic Programmer - David Thomas, Andrew Hunt. (978-0135957059)
- Clean Code - Robert C. Martin. (978-0132350884)
- Code Complete - Steve McConnell. (978-0735619678)
- The Art of Readable Code - Dustin Boswell, Trevor Foucher. (978-0596802295)
- Effective Debugging - Diomidis Spinellis. (978-0134394794)
- Hacker's Delight - Henry Warren. (978-0321842688)
- Clean Architecture - Robert C. Martin. (978-0134494166)
- The Clean Coder - Robert C. Martin. (978-0137081073)
- Clean Craftmanship - Robert C. Martin. (978-0136915713)
- Code That Fits in Your Head - Mark Seemann. (978-0137464401)
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software - Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides. (978-0201633610)
- Refactoring - Martin Fowler. (978-0134757599)
- Working Effectively with Legacy Code - Michael Feathers. (978-0131177055)
- Test-Driven Development By Example - Kent Beck. (978-0321146533)
- Extreme Programming Explained - Kent Beck. (978-0321278654)
- Seriously Good Software - Marco Faella. (978-1617296291)
- The Art of Clean Code - Christian Mayer. (978-1718502185)
- Becoming a Better Programmer - Pete Goodliffe. (978-1491905531)
- The Self-Taught Programmer - Cory Althoff. (978-0999685907)
- The Self-Taught Computer Scientiest - Cory Althoff. (978-1119724414)
- Software Engineering at Google - Titus Winters, Tom Manshreck, Hyrum Wright. (978-1492082798)
- Software Craftmanship: The New Imperative - Pete McBreen. (978-0201733860)
- The Software Craftman - Sandro Mancuso. (978-0134052502)
- Apprenticeship Patterns - Dave Hoover, Adewale Oshineye. (978-0596518387)
- Good Code, Bad Code - Tom Long. (978-1617298936)
- Five Lines of Code: How and when to refactor - Christian Clausen. (978-1617298318)
- Beyong Legacy Code - David Scott Bernstein. (978-1680500790)
- The Practice of Programming - Brian Kernighan, Rob Pike. (978-0201615869)
- Tidy First - Kent Beck. (978-1098151249)
- Software Design for Flexibility - Chris Hanson, Gerald Jay Sussman. (978-0262045490)
Coding Puzzles / Coding Interviews
- Elements of Programming Interviews in Python/Java/C++ - Adnan Aziz, Tsung-Hsien Lee, Amit Prakash. (978-1537713946) (978-1517671273) (978-1479274833)
- Cracking the Coding Interview - Gayle Laakmann McDowell. (978-0984782857)
- Programming Challenges - Steven Skiena, Miguel Revilla. (978-0387001630)
- Guide to Competitive Programming - Antti Laaksonen. (978-3030393564)
- Programming Interviews Exposed - John Mongan, Noah Kindler, Eric Giguere. (978-1119418474)
- Competitive Programming 3 - Steven Halim. (
- Programming Pearls - John Bentley. (978-0201657883)
- More Programming Pearls - John Bentley. (978-0201118896)
- Daily Coding Problems - Lawrence Wu, Alex Miller. (978-1793296634)
- Classic Computer Science Problems in Python/Java - David Kopec. (978-1617295980) (978-1617297601)
- Exercises for Programmers 57 Challenges to Develop Your Coding Skills - Brian Hogan. (978-1680501223)
- Ace the Programming Interview: 160 Questions and Answers for Success - Edward Guiness. (978-1118518564)
- Coding Interviews: Questions, Analysis & Solutions - Harry He. (978-8132212249)
System Design Interviews
- System Design Interview An Insider's Guide Volume 1 - Alex Xu. (979-8664653403)
- System Design Interview An Insider's Guide Volume 2 - Alex Xu, Sahn Lam. (978-1736049112)
- Hacking The System Design Interview - Stanley Chiang. (979-8839126497)
- The System Design Interview - Lewis Lin. (979-8735625452)
- Acing the System Design Interview - Zhiyong Tan. (978-1633439108)
- Solutions Architect's Handbook - Saurabh Shrivastava, Neelanjali Srivastav. (978-1801816618)
- System Design on AWS - Jayanth Kumar, Mandeep Singh. (978-1098146894)
- System Design Interview Made Easy - Richard Lee. (979-8367942088)
Object-Oriented Design and UML
- UML Distilled - Martin Fowler. (978-0321193681)
- Learning UML 2.0 - Russ Miles, Kim Hamilton. (978-0596009823)
- UML 2 For Dummies - Michael Jesse Chonoles, James A. Schardt. (978-0764526145)
- Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software - Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John Vlissides. (978-0201633610)
- Head First Design Patterns - Eric Freeman, Elisabeth Robson. (978-1492078005)
- Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design - Brett D. McLaughlin. (978-0596008673)
- Fundamentals of Object-Oriented Design in UML - Meilir Page-Jones, Larry L. Constantine. (978-0201699463)
- Object-Oriented Analysis, Design and Implementation - Brahma Dathan, Sarnath Ramnath. (978-3031712395)
- Practical Vim - Drew Neil. (978-1680501278) website
- Learning the vi and Vim Editors - Arnold Robbins, Elbert Hannah. (978-1492078807)
- Modern Vim - Drew Neil. (978-1680502626) website
- Vi iMproved - Steve Oualline. (978-0735710016)
- Hacking Vim 7.2 - Kim Schulz. (978-1849510509)
- Mastering Vim - Ruslan Osipov. (978-1835081877)
- Mastering Vim Quickly - Jovica Ilic. (978-1983325748)
- Pro Vim - Mark McDonnell. (978-1484202517)
- The VimL Primer - Benjamin Klein. (978-1680500400)
Git / Github / Gitlab
- Pro Git - Scott Chacon, Ben Straub. (978-1484200773)
- Learning Git - Anna Skoulikari. (978-1098133917)
- Version Control with Git - Prem Kumar Ponuthorai, Hon Loeliger. (978-1492091196)
- Pragmatic Version Control Using Git - Travis Swicegood. (978-1934356159)
- Git Version Control Cookbook - Kenneth Geisshirt. (978-1789137545)
- Building Tools with Github - Chris Dawson, Ben Straub. (978-1491933503)
- Learning Github Actions - Brent Laster. (978-1098131074)
- Getting Started with Github - Peter Bell, Brent Beer. (978-1491949740)
- Github Actions Cookbook - Michael Kaufmann. (978-1835468944)
- DevOps Unleashed with Git and Github - Yuki Hattori. (978-1835463710)
- Accelerate DevOps with Github - Michael Kaufmann. (978-1801813358)
- Automating Workflows with Github Actions - Pricsila Heller. (978-1800560406)
- Mastering Github Actions - Eric Chapman. (978-1805128625)
- Github Actions in Action - Michael Kaufmann. (978-1633437302)
- Hands-on Github Actions - Chaminda Chandrasekara, Pushpa Herath. (978-1484264638)
- Pratical Git - Johan Abildskov. (978-1484262696)
- Head First Git - Raju Gandhi. (978-1492092513)
- Professional Git - Brent Laster. (978-1119284970)
- Github for Dummies - Sarah Guthals. (978-1394159161)
AWK and sed
- The AWK Programming Language - Alfred Aho, Brian Kerninghan, Peter Weinberger. (978-0138269722)
- sed & awk - Dale Dougherty, Arnold Robbins. (978-1565922259)
- Effective awk Programming - Arnold Robbins. (978-1491904619)
- Learn AWK Programming - Shiwang Kalkhanda. (978-1788391030)
Data Streaming
- Spark The Definitive Guide - Bill Chambers, Matei Zaharia. (978-1491912218)
- Learning Spark Lightning-Fast Data Analytics - Jules Damji, Denny Lee. (978-1492050049)
- Spark in Action - Jean-Georges Perrin. (978-1617295522)
- Data Analysis with Python and PySpark - Jonathan Rioux. (978-1617297205)
- Advanced Analytics with PySpark - Akash Tandon, Sandy Ryza, Uri Laserson, Sean Owen, Josh Wills. (978-1098103651)
- Data Algorithms with Spark - Mahmoud Parsian. (978-1492082385)
- Pro Spark Streaming - Zubair Nabi. (978-1484214800)
- Stream Processing with Apache Spark - Gerard Maas, Francois Garillot. (978-1491944240)
- Stream Processing with Apache Flink - Fabian Hueske, Vasiliki Kalavri. (978-1491974292)
- Learning Apache Flink - Tanmay Deshpande. (978-1786466228)
- Flink in Action - Sameer Wadkar, Hari Rajaram. (978-1617293924)
- Kafka The Definitive Guide - Gwen Shapira, Todd Palino. (978-1492043089)
- Kafka in Action - Dylan Scott, Viktor Gamoz, Dave Klein. (978-1617295232)
- Kafka Streams in Action - Bill Bejeck. (978-1617298684)
- Mastering Kafka Streams and ksqlDB - Mitch Seymour. (978-1492062493)
- Streaming Data Pipelines with Kafka - Stefan Sprenger. (978-1633437012)
- Apache Pulsar in Action - David Kjerrumgaard. (978-1617296888)
- Mastering Apache Pulsar - Jowanza Joseph. (978-1492084907)
- Stream Processing with Apache Pulsar - Theophilus Siameh. (979-8517457820)
- Akka in Action - Francisco Lopez-Sancho Abraham. (978-1617299216)
- Effective Akka - Jamie Allen. (978-1449360078)
- Grokking Streaming Systems - Josh Fischer, Ning Wang. (978-1617297304)
- Event Streams in Action - Alexander Dean, Valentin Crettaz. (978-1617292347)
- Data Pipelines with Apache Airflow - Bas P. Harenslak, Julian Rutger de Ruiter. (978-1617296901)
- Storm Applied: Strategies for real-time event processing - Matthew Jankowski, Peter Pathirana, Sean Allen. (978-1617291890)
Data Engineering
- Fundamentals of Data Engineering - Joe Reis, Matt Housley. (978-1098108304)
- Data Engineering with Python - Paul Crickard. (978-1839214189)
- Cracking the Data Engineering Interview - Kedeisha Bryan, Taamir Ransome. (978-1837630776)
- Ace the Data Engineering Interview - Sean Coyne. (979-8864900970)
- Data Ingestion with Python Cookbook - Glaucia Esppenschutz. (978-1837632602)
- Analytics Engineering with SQL and dbt - Rui Pedro Machado, Helder Russa. (978-1098142384)
- Data Engineering with dbt - Roberto Zagni. (978-1803246284)
- Data Engineering with Scala and Spark - Eric Tome, David Radford, Rupam Bhattacharjee. (978-1804612583)
- The Kubernetes Book - Nigel Poulton. (978-1916585201)
- Quick Start Kubernetes - Nigel Poulton. (979-8373431781)
- The KCNA Book - Nigel Poulton. (979-8409159504)
- Kubernetes: Up & Running - Brendan Burns, Joe Beda, Kelsey Hightower, Lachlan Evenson. ( 978-1098110208)
- The Book of Kubernetes - Alan Hohn. (978-1718502642)
- Kubernetes in Action - Marko Luksa. (978-1617297618)
- Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) Study Guide - Benjamin Muschko. (978-1492083733)
- Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Study Guide - Benjamin Muschko. (978-1098107222)
- Certified Kubernetes Security Specialist (CKS) Study Guide - Benjamin Muschko. (978-1098132972)
- Kubernetes: Preparing for the CKA and CKAD Certifications - Philippe Martin. (978-1484264935)
- Acing the Certified Kubernetes Administrator Exam - Chad Crowell. (978-1633439092)
- Becoming KCNA Certified - Dmitry Galkin. (978-1804613399)
Docker / Podman
- Podman in Action - Daniel Walsh. (978-1633439689)
- Docker Deep Dive - Nigel Poulton. (978-1916585256)
- Docker Up & Running - Sean Kane, Karl Matthias. (978-1098131821)
- Using Docker - Adrian Mouat. (978-1491915769)
- Docker in Action - Jeff Nickoloff, Stephen Kuenzli. (978-1617294761)
- Docker in Practice - Ian Miell, Aidan Hobson Sayers. (978-1617294808)
Terraform & Infrastructure-as-code
- Terraform Up and Running - Yevgeniy Brikman. (978-1098116743)
- Terraform in Action - Scott Winkler. (978-1617296895)
- Terraform in Depth - Robert Hafner. (978-1633438002)
- Infrastruce as Code: Dynamic Systems for the Cloud Age - Kief Morris. (978-1098114671)
- Infrastruce as Code, Patterns and Practices: With examples in Python and Terraform - Rosemary Wang. (978-1617298295)
Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery / DevOps
- Jenkins: The Definitive Guide - John Smart. (978-1449305352)
- Continuous Delivery with Docker and Jenkins - Rafal Leszko. (978-1803237480)
- SonarQube in Action - G. Ann Campbell, Patroklos P. Papapetrou. (978-1617290954)
- JUnit in Action - Catalin Tudose. (978-1617297045)
- Python for DevOps - Noah Gift. (978-1492057697)
- DevOps in Python: Infrastructure as Python - Moshe Zadka. (978-1484279953)
- Learning DevOps - Mikael Krief. (978-1801818964)
- Grokking Continuous Delivery - Christie Wilson. (978-1617298257)
- sbt in Action - Josh Suereth, Matthew Farwell. (978-1617291272)
- Maven: The Definitive Guide - Sonatype Company. (978-0596517335)
- Modern CMake for C++ - Rafal Swidzinski. (978-1801070058)
- CMake Best Practices - Dominik Berner. (978-1803239729)
- Managing Projects with GNU Make - Robert Mecklenburg. (978-0596006105)
- Continuous Delivery: Reliable Software Releases through Build, Test, and Deployment Automation - Jez Humble, David Farley. (978-0321601919)
- Quarkus in Action - Martin Stefanko, Jan Martiska. (978-1633438958)
- Building Microservices with Micronaut - Nirmal Singh, Zack Dawood. (978-1800564237)
- Reactive Systems in Java: Resilient, Event-Driven Architecture with Quarkus - Clement Escoffier, Ken Fennigan. (978-1492091721)
- Scala Reactive Programming - Rambabu Posa. (978-1787288645)
- Learn Scala Programming - Slava Schmidt. (978-1788836302)
Data Science and Machine Learning Interviews
- Machine Learning System Design Interview - Ali Aminian, Alex Xu. (978-1736049129)
- Machine Learning Design Interview - Khang Pham. (979-8813031571)
- Machine Learning Interviews - Khang Pham. (979-8416893743)
- Ace the Data Science Interview - Nick Singh, Kevin Huo. (978-0578973838)
- The Kaggle Book - Konrad Banachewicz, Luca Massaron. (978-1801817479)
- The Kaggle Workbook - Konrad Banachewicz, Luca Massaron. (978-1804611210)
- Cracking the Data Science Interview - Maverick Lin. (978-1710680133)
- The Little Book of Data Science Tricks - Maverick Lin. (979-8655659063)
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- Be The Outlier - Shrilata Murthy. (978-1641379854)
- Ace the Data Science Interview - Dan Sanz. (978-1633438248)
- Machine Learning System Design - Valerii Babushkin, Arseny Kravchenko. (978-1633438750)
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