Programming Languages


  1. x64 Assembly Language Step-by-Step: Programming with Linux - Jeffrey Duntemann. (978-1394155248)
  2. Assembly Language for x86 Processors - Kip R. Irvine. (978-1292061214)
  3. The Art of Assembly Language - Randall Hyde. (978-1593272074)
  4. The Art of ARM Assembly - Randall Hyde. (978-1718502826)
  5. Modern x86 Assembly Language Programming - Daniel Kusswurm. (978-1484296028)
  6. Modern Arm Assembly Language Programming - Daniel Kusswurm. (978-1484262665)
  7. Beginning x64 Assembly Programming - Jo Van Hoey. (978-1484250754)
  8. Low Level Programming - Igor Zhirkov. (978-1484224021)
  9. Professional Assembly Language - Richard Blum. (978-0764579011)
  10. Beginning Linux Programming - Neil Matthew. (978-0470147627)
  11. Systems Programming in Unix/Linux - K. C. Wang. (978-3319924281)
  12. Programming with 64-Bit ARM Assembly - Stephen Smith. (978-1484258804)
  13. Raspberry Pi Assembly Language Programming: ARM Processor Coding - Stephen Smith. (978-1484252864)
  14. ARM Assembly Internals and Reverse Engineering - Maria Markstedter. (978-1119745303)
  15. ARM 64-Bit Assembly Language - Larry D. Pyeatt, William Ughetta. (978-0128192214)
  16. Introduction to 80x86 Assembly Language and Computer Architecture - Richard C. Detmer. (978-1284036121)
  17. Assembly x64 Programming in easy steps - Mike McGrath. (978-1840789522)


  1. The C Programming Language - Brian W. Kernighan, Dennis M. Ritchie. (978-0131103627)
    • Note: recommended by the Linux Kernel How To.
    • The C Answer Book - Clovis L. Tondo, Scott E. Gimpel. (978-0131096530)
  2. Practical C Programming - Steve Oualline. (978-1565923065)
  3. C: A Reference Manual - Samuel Harbison, Guy Steele Jr. (978-0130895929)
  4. Expert C Programming - Peter van der Linden. (978-0131774292)
  5. Modern C - Jens Gustedt. (978-1617295812) read online
  6. Extreme C - Kamran Amini. (978-1789343625)
  7. Effective C - Robert C. Seacord. (978-1718501041)
  8. 21th Century C: C Tips from the New School - Ben Klemens. (978-1491903896)
  9. Programming in C - Stephen Kochan. (978-0321776419)
  10. C Programming: A Modern Approach - K. N. King. (978-0393979503)
  11. C Primer Plus - Stephen Prata. (978-0321928429)
  12. C Programming in One Hour a Day - Siddhartha Rao. (978-0137334681)
  13. C How To Program - Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel. (978-0133976892)
  14. Fluent C: Principles, Practices, and Patterns - Christopher Preschern. (978-1492097334)
  15. C Brain Teasers - Dan Gookin. (979-8888650486) website
  16. Tiny C Projects - Dan Gookin. (978-1633439825)
  17. A Little C Primer - WikiBooks. link
  18. C Programming - WikiBooks. link


  1. The Rust Programming Language - Steve Klabnik, Carol Nichols. (978-1718503106) read online
  2. Programming Rust: Fast, Safe Systems Development - Jim Blandy, Jason Orendorff, Leonora Tindall. (978-1492052593)
  3. Rust in Action - Tim McNamara. (978-1617294556)
  4. Rust for Rustaceans - Jon Gjengset. (978-1718501850) website
  5. Command-Line Rust - Ken Youens-Clark. (978-1098109431)
  6. Hands-on Rust: Effective Learning through 2D Game Development and Play - Herbert Wolverson. (978-1680508161) website
  7. Advanced Hands-on Rust - Herbert Wolverson. (979-8888650721) website
  8. Rust Brain Teasers: Exercise Your Mind - Herbert Wolverson. (978-1680509175) website
  9. Practical Rust Projects - Shing Lyu, Andrew Rzeznik. (978-1484293300)
  10. Rust Atomics and Locks: Low-Level Concurrency in Practice - Mara Bos. (978-1098119447)
  11. Speed Up Your Python with Rust - Maxwell Flitton. (978-1801811446)
  12. Refactoring to Rust - Lily Mara, Joel Holmes. (978-1617299018)
  13. Code like a Pro in Rust - Brenden Matthews. (978-1617299643)
  14. Rust Power Tools - Sam Van Overmeire. (978-1633437494)
  15. Rust Design Patterns - Brenden Matthews. (978-1633437463)
  16. Learn Rust in a Month of Lunches - David MacLeod. (978-1633438231)
  17. Async Rust - Maxwell Flitton, Caroline Morton. (978-1098149093)
  18. Rust Web Development with Rocket - Karuna Murti. (978-1800561304)
  19. Rust Web Development with warp, tokio, and reqwest - Bastian Gruber. (978-1617299001)
  20. Rust Web Programming - Maxwell Flitton. (978-1803234694)
  21. Idiomatic Rust - Brenden Matthews. (978-1633437463)
  22. Effective Rust - David Drysdale. (978-1098151409)
  23. Write Powerful Rust Macros - Sam Van Overmeire. (978-1633437494)
  24. Rust Under the Hood - Sandeep Ahluwalia, Deepa Alhuwalia. (979-8320364469)
  25. Rust For The Novice Programmer - WikiBooks. link


  1. The C++ Programming Language - Bjarne Stroustrup. (978-0275967765)
  2. Practical C++ Programming - Steve Oualline. (978-0596004194)
  3. C++ Crash Course - Joshua Lospinoso. (978-1718501102)
  4. Sams Teach Yourself C++ in One Hour a Day - Siddhartha Rao. (978-0137334681)
  5. C++ How To Program - Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel. (978-0134448237)
  6. C++ Primer - Stanley Lippman, Josee Lajoie, Barbara Moo. (978-0321714114)
  7. C++ Primer Plus - Stephen Prata. (978-0321776402)
  8. Big C++ - Cay S. Horstmann, Timothy A. Budd. (978-0471470632) website
  9. C++ High Performance - Bjorn Andrist. (978-1839216541)
  10. C++ for the Impatient - Brian Overland. (978-0321888020)
  11. A Tour of C++ - Bjarne Stroustrup. (978-0136816485)
  12. C++ Concurrency in Action - Anthony Williams. (978-1617294693)
  13. Effective Modern C++ - Scott Meyers. (978-1491903995)
  14. Effective C++ - Scott Meyers. (978-0321334879)
  15. More Effective C++ - Scott Meyers. (978-0201633719)
  16. Effective STL - Scott Meyers. (978-0201749625)
  17. C++ Software Design - Klaus Iglberger. (978-1098113162)
  18. Functional Programming in C++ - Ivan Cukic. (978-1617293818)
  19. Expert C++ - Marcelo Guerra Hahn. (978-1804617830)
  20. Learn C++ by Example - Frances Buontempo. (978-1633438330)
  21. 100 C++ Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - Rich Yonts. (978-1633436893)
  22. Professional C++ - Marc Gregoire. (978-1394193172)
  23. Safe C++ - Vladimir Kushnir. (978-1449320935)
  24. C++ Brain Teasers - Anders Schau Knatten. (979-8888650516) website
  25. C++ Programming - WikiBooks. link


  1. The Go Programming Language - Alan Donovan, Brian Kernighan. (978-0134190440) website
  2. Programming in Go - Mark Summerfield. (978-0321774637)
  3. Go in Action - William Kennedy, Brian Ketelsen, Erik St. Martin. (978-1617291784)
  4. Go Web Programming - Sau Sheong Chang. (978-1617292569)
  5. Go in Practice: Includes 70 Techiques - Matt Butcher, Matt Farina. (978-1633430075)
  6. Learning Go: An Idiomatic Approach to Real-World Go Programming - Jon Bodner. (978-1492077213)
  7. Kubernetes Programming with Go - Philippe Martin. (978-1484290255)
  8. Powerful Command-Line Applications in Go - Ricardo Gerardi. (978-1680506969)
  9. Pro Go: The Complete Guide to Programming Reliable and Efficient Software using Golang - Adam Freeman. (978-1484273548)
  10. Software Development with Go - Nanik Tolaram. (978-1484287309)
  11. Efficient Go: Data-Driven Performance Optimization - Bartlomiej Plotka. (978-1098105716)
  12. Cloud Native Go - Matthew Titmus. (978-1492076339)
  13. Cloud Native Go - Kevin Hoffman, Dan Nemeth. (978-0672337796)
  14. Practical Go - Amit Saha. (978-1119773818)
  15. Effective Go: Elegant, efficient, and testable code - Inanc Gumus. (978-1617299896)
  16. Shipping Go - Joel Holmes. (978-1617299506)
  17. Distributed Services with Go - Travis Jeffery. (978-1680507607)
  18. Building Distributed Applications in Gin - Mohamed Labouardy. (978-1801074858)
  19. Go for DevOps - John Doak, David Justice. (978-1801818896)
  20. Mastering Go - Mihalis Tsoukalos. (978-1801079310)
  21. Network Programming with Go - Adam Woodbeck. (978-1718500884)
  22. Machine Learning with Go - Daniel Whitenack, Janani Selvaraj. (978-1789619898)
  23. Go Machine Learning Projects - Xuanyi Chew. (978-1788993401)
  24. Effective Go - Inanc Gumus. (978-1617299896)
  25. Build an Orchestrator in Go - Tim Boring. (978-1617299759)
  26. Learn Concurrent Programming with Go - James Cutajar. (978-1633438385)
  27. 100 Go Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - Teiva Harsanyi. (978-1617299599)
  28. Go Brain Teasers - Miki Tebeka. (978-1680508994) website
  29. Effective Go Recipes - Miki Tebeka. (978-1680508468) website
  30. Go From Scratch - WikiBooks. link
  31. Go Programming - WikiBooks. link


  1. Java Software Solutions - John Lewis, William Loftus. (978-0134462028)
  2. Java How To Program: Early Objects - Paul Dietel, Harvey Deitel. (978-0134743356)
    • Java How To Program: Late Objects - Paul Dietel, Harvey Deitel. (978-0134791401)
  3. Big Java: Early Objects - Cay S. Horstmann. (978-1119588887) website
    • Big Java: Late Objects - Cay S. Horstmann. (978-1119398721) website
  4. Modern Java in Action - Raoul-Gabriel Urma, Mario Fusco, Alan Mycroft. (978-1617293566)
  5. Reactive Systems in Java - Clement Escoffier, Ken Fennigan. (978-1492091721)
  6. Java Performance - Scott Oaks. (978-1492056119)
  7. Optimizing Java - Benjaming Evans, James Gough, Chris Newland. (978-1492025795)
  8. Core Java for the Impatient - Cay S. Horstmann. (978-0138052102) website
  9. The Well-Grounded Java Developer - Benjamin Evans, Martijn Verburg, Jason Clark. (978-1617298875)
  10. Functional Programming in Java - Venkat Subramaniam. (978-1680509793)
  11. Effective Java - Joshua Bloch. (978-0134685991)
  12. Troubleshooting Java - Laurentiu Spilca. (978-1617299773)
  13. JVM Performance Engineering - Monica Beckwith. (978-0134659879)
  14. Supercharge Your Applications with GraalVM - A. B. Vijay Kumar. (978-1800564909)
  15. 100 Java Mistakes and How to Avoid Them - Tagir Valeev. (978-1633437968)
  16. Java Number Cruncher: The Java Programmer's Guide to Numerical Computing - Ronald Mak. (978-0130460417)
  17. Java Programming - WikiBooks. link


  1. Programming in Scala - Martin Odersky, Lex Spoon, Bill Venners, Frank Sommers. (978-0997148008)
  2. Advanced Programming in Scala - Martin Odersky. (unknown)
  3. Programming Scala: Scalability = Functional Programming + Objects - Dean Wampler. (978-1492077893) website
  4. Scala in Action - Nilanjan Raychaudhuri, Chad Fowler. (978-1935182757)
  5. Scala in Depth - Josh D. Suereth. (978-1935182702)
  6. Learning Scala: Practical Functional Programming for the JVM - Jason Swartz. (978-1449367930)
  7. Functional Programming in Scala - Michael Pilquist, Paul Chiusano, Runar Bjarnasson. (978-1617299582)
  8. Scala for the Impatient - Cay S. Horstmann. (978-0138033651) website
  9. Scala for Data Science - Pascal Bugnion. (978-1785281372)
  10. Scientific Computing with Scala - Vytautas Jancauskas. (978-1785886942)
  11. Scala Puzzlers - Andrew Phillips, Nermin Serifovic. (978-0981531670)
  12. Scala Cookbook - Alvin Alexander. (978-1492051541)
  13. Scala Data Analysis Cookbook - Arun Manivannan. (978-1784396749)
  14. Learning Concurrent Programming in Scala - Aleksandar Prokopec. (978-1786466891)
  15. Programming Scala - Venkat Subramaniam. (978-1934356319)
  16. Pragmatic Scala - Venkat Subramaniam. (978-1680500547)
  17. Modern Systems Programming with Scala - Richard Whaling. (978-1680506228)
  18. Scala High Performance Programming - Vincent Theron, Michael Diamant. (978-1786466044)
  19. Hands-On Scala Programming - Haoyi Li. (978-9811456930)
  20. Hands-On Data Analysis with Scala - Rajesh Gupta. (978-1789346114)
  21. Scala Programming - WikiBooks. link


  1. Learn You a Haskell for Great Good! - Miran Lipovaca. (978-1593272838) website free book (partim) read online
  2. Real World Haskell - Bryan O'Sullivan, John Goerzen, Don Stewart. (978-0596514983) website read online
  3. Programming in Haskell - Graham Hutton. (978-1316626221) website
  4. Haskell Data Analysis Cookbook - Nishant Shukla. (978-1783286331)
  5. Learning Haskell Data Analysis - James Church. (978-1784394707)
  6. Haskell: The Craft of Functional Programming - Simon Thompson. (978-0201882957)
  7. Introduction to Functional Programming using Haskell - Richard Bird. (978-0134843469)
  8. Think Functionally with Haskell - Richard Bird. (978-1107452640)
  9. Haskell in Depth - Vitaly Bragilevsky. (978-1617295409)
  10. Practical Concurrent Haskell: with Big Data Applications - Stefania Loredana Nita, Marius Mihailescu. (978-1484227824)
  11. Effective Haskell - Rebecca Skinner. (978-1680509342)
  12. Haskell Design Patterns - Ryan Lemmer. (978-1783988723)
  13. Practical Haskell - Alejandro Serrano Mena. (978-1484285800)
  14. Learn Physics with Functional Programming - Scott N. Walck. (978-1718501669)
  15. Parallel and Concurrent Programming in Haskell - Simon Marlow. (978-1449335946)
  16. Developing Web Apps with Haskell and Yesod - Michael Snoyman. (978-1491915592)
  17. Verified Programming in Agda - Aaron Stump. (978-1970001273)
  18. Type-Driven Development with Idris - Edwin Brady. (978-1617293023)
  19. Haskell - WikiBooks. link
  20. Yet Another Haskell Tutorial - WikiBooks. link


  1. Real World OCaml: Functional Programming for the Masses - Anil Madhavapeddy. (978-1009125802) website
  2. OCaml Scientific Computing: Functional Programming in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence - Liang Wang, Jianxin Zhao, Richard Mortier. (978-3030976446)
  3. Architecture of Advanced Numerical Analysis Systems: Designing a Scientific Computing System using OCaml - Liang Wang, Jianxin Zhao. (978-1484288528) free book
  4. Practical OCaml - Joshua B. Smith. (978-1590596203)
  5. OCaml from the very beginning - John Whitington. (978-0957671102)
  6. More OCaml: Algorithms, Methods, and Diversions - John Whitington. (978-0957671119)
  7. Certified Programming with Dependent Types: A Pragmatic Introduction to the Coq Proof Assistant - Adam Chlipala. (978-0262545747)
  8. OCaml Programming - WikiBooks. link


  1. Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - Harold Abelson, Gerald Jay Sussman, Julie Sussman. (978-0262510875) read online website
  2. Land of Lisp - Conrad Barski. (978-1593272814) website
  3. The Little Schemer - Daniel P. Friedman. (978-0262560993)
  4. Let Over Lambda - Doug Hoyte. (978-1435712751) website
  5. Practical Common Lisp - Peter Seibel. (978-1430242901) read online
  6. Common Lisp Recipes - Edmund Weitz. (978-1484211779)
  7. The Scheme Programming Language - R. Kent Dybvig. (978-0262512985) read online
  8. The Seasoned Schemer - Daniel P. Friedman. (978-0262561006)
  9. The Reasoned Schemer - Daniel P. Friedman. (978-0262535519)
  10. The Little Typer - Daniel P. Friedman. (978-0262536431)
  11. The Little Prover - Daniel P. Friedman. (978-0262527958)
  12. On Lisp: Advanced Techniques for Common Lisp - Paul Graham. (978-0130305527) website
  13. Programming Algorithms in Lisp - Vsevolod Domkin. (978-1484264270)
  14. Lisp In Small Pieces - Christian Queinnec, Kathleen Callaway. (978-0521545662)
  15. Common Lisp - WikiBooks. link
  16. Scheme Programming - WikiBooks. link


  1. Clojure Programming - WikiBooks. link


  1. Introduction to Computation and Programming Using Python - John V. Guttag. (978-0262542364)
  2. Python For Everybody - Charles R. Severance. (978-1530051120)
  3. Python Crash Course - Eric Matthes. (978-1718502703)
  4. Automate the boring stuff with Python - Al Sweigart. (978-1718503403) read online website
  5. Serious Python - Julien Danjou. (978-1593278786) website
  6. Learning Python - Mark Lutz. (978-1449355739)
  7. Python for Data Analysis - Wes McKinney. (978-1098104030)
  8. Fluent Python - Luciano Ramalho. (978-1492056355) website
  9. Think Python - Allen Downey. (978-1491939369)
  10. Programming Python - Mark Lutz. (978-0596158101)
  11. Python Basics - Dan Bader. (978-1775093329)
  12. Python Tricks - Dan Bader. (978-1775093305)
  13. CPython Internals - Anthony Shaw. (978-1775093343)
  14. High Performance Python - Micha Gorelick, Ian Ozsvald. (978-1492055020)
  15. Architecture Patterns with Python - Harry Percival, Bob Gregory. (978-1492052203)
  16. Expert Python Programming - Michal Jaworski, Tarek Ziade. (978-1801071109)
  17. Clean Code in Python - Mariano Anaya. (978-1800560215)
  18. Robust Python - Patrick Viafore. (978-1098100667)
  19. Effective Python - Brett Slatkin. (978-0134853987)
  20. Intro to Python for Computer Science and Data Science - Paul Deitel, Harvey M. Deitel. (978-1292364902)
  21. Python How To Program - Paul Deitel, Harvey Deitel. (978-0130923615)
  22. Python for Everyone - Cay S. Horstmann, Rance Necaise. (978-1119638292)
  23. Data Science from Scratch - Joel Grus. (978-1492041139)
  24. Python How-To: 63 techniques to improve your Python code - Yong Cui. (978-1617299742)
  25. Cython: A Guide for Python Programmers - Kurt Smith. (978-1491901557)
  26. Publishing Python Packages - Dane Hillard. (978-1617299919)
  27. Practices of the Python Pro - Dane Hillard. (978-1617296086)
  28. Python Concurrency with asyncio - Matthew Fowler. (978-1617298660)
  29. Using Asyncio in Python - Caleb Hattingh. (978-1492075332)
  30. Python Distilled - David Beazley. (978-0134173276)
  31. Real World Python - Lee Vaughan. (978-1718500624)
  32. Fast Python: High Performance techniques for Large Datasets - Tiago Rodrigues Antao. (978-1617297939)
  33. Python Tools for Scientists - Lee Vaughan. (978-1718502666)
  34. (duplicate deleted)
  35. Beyond the Basic Stuff with Python - Al Sweigart. (978-1593279660)
  36. Python Programming - John Zelle. (978-1887902991)
  37. Python Testing with pytest - Brian Okken. (978-1680508604)
  38. Python Brain Teasers - Miki Tebeka. (978-1680509007) website
  39. Pandas Brain Teasers - Miki Tebeka. (978-1680509014) website
  40. Python Programming - WikiBooks. link
  41. Think Python - WikiBooks. link
  42. Non-Programmer's Tutorial for Python 3 - WikiBooks. link


  1. Joe Celko's SQL for Smarties: Advanced SQL Programming - Joe Celko. (978-0128007617)
  2. Joe Celko's SQL Puzzles and Answers - Joe Celko. (978-0123735966)
  3. Joe Celko's SQL Programming Style - Joe Celko. (978-0120887972)
  4. SQL Antipatterns - Bill Karwin. (978-1934356555)
  5. Effective SQL - John Viescas, Douglas Steele, Ben Clothier. (978-0134578897)
  6. Structured Query Language - WikiBooks. link
  7. SQL Exercises - WikiBooks. link


  1. LaTeX - WikiBooks. link


  1. MATLAB for Engineers - Holly Moore. (978-0134589640)
  2. MATLAB: A Practical Introduction to Programming and Problem Solving - Dorothy C. Attaway. (978-0323917506)
  3. MATLAB Programming for Engineers - Stephen J. Chapman. (978-0357030394)
  4. Essential MATLAB for Engineers and Scientists - Daniel T. Valentine, Brian H. Hahn. (978-0323995481)
  5. MATLAB for Engineering Applications - William Plam III. (978-1260084719)
  6. MATLAB: An Introduction with Applications - Amos Gilat. (978-1118629864)
  7. Programming for Computations with MATLAB/Octave - Svein Linge, Hans Petter Langtangen. (978-3319324517)
  8. MATLAB Programming for Biomedical Engineers and Scientists - Andrew P. King, Paul Aljabar. (978-0323857734)
  9. MATLAB For Dummies - John Paul Mueller, Jim Sizemore. (978-1119796886)
  10. MATLAB and Simulink Crash Course for Engineers - Eklas Hossain. (978-3030897611)